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McKinney Vento

Milford Public Schools 

McKinney-Vento Education Act

  • The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless  as "individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." The act provides examples of children who would fall under this definition:
  • Children who share housing with other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship; 
  • Children living in emergency or transitional shelter; 
  • Children living in hotels, motels, campgrounds, trailer parks etc. 
  • Unaccompanied youth

Homeless Students and  Their Families 

Have the  Following Rights:

  • To go to school, no matter where the family lives or how long they have lived there - Students must be given access to the same public education, including preschool education, provided to other children.
  • To immediately enroll in a new school Students who move and wish to enroll in a new school where they are situated while homeless may attend classes immediately, without proof of residency, immunizations, school records or other papers and without a uniform.

  • To stay in their original or last school even if they move to another district - Students have the right to stay in the school they attended prior to the loss of housing or to remain in the school they were last enrolled in unless the parent or unaccompanied youth chooses otherwise. 

  • To receive Title I services

  • To receive all the educational and supplemental services that all other children are provided

  • To get transportation to their original school  

School districts must arrange transportation for students in homeless situations so that students can stay at their school of origin, even if students move to a different city, county or school district

For additional information or assistance, please contact:

McKinney Vento/Foster Care Liaison  Milford Public Schools:

Stacia Copeland     Email   (774) 462-0991 

For More Information about McKinney-Vento Law