Transition Assessment Resources
- Transitions Programming
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- Inclusive Resources for Parents
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- Affordable Housing Resources
- Autism Support Centers
- Career Interest Inventory
- Easter Seals Center for Assistive Technology
- Family Support Directory
- Guardianship & Estate Planning
- Housing Options & Resources
- New England Index
- Parent Training Resources
- Self-Advocacy & Youth Leadership Resources
- Special Needs
- Transition Assessment Resources
- Transportation Resources
Transition Assessmet Resources
The resources listed below provide information about transition assessments and training around transition.
Transition Coalition website
This website provides online training modules including best practices related to transition, transition assessment, models of success, and tools and resources to support students as they transition from school to adult life—all are FREE!
Iowa Transition Assessment website
Transition Planning Inventory: TRAX online transition system
Transition Planning Self-Assessment Inventory: