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Dual Language Program

Milford Public Schools
Spanish / English Dual Language Program
Memorial Elementary School 

  • Opening in September 2025 for School Year 2025-2026
  • Kindergarten registration begins February 2025 for School Year 2025-2026–  additional registration and lottery information will be available in Fall 2024.
  • All Milford residents are eligible - first enrolling classes will have dates of birth between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020. 

For more information, read the common questions below or contact Julia Latino, Assistant Director of Multilingual Learner and Dual Language Programming via email.

Dual Language Program Common Questions

What is a dual language program? What is the goal of a dual language program?
A dual language program, also known as a Two-Way Bilingual program, is an educational model wherein students are instructed in two languages (English and a partner language) in varying ratios. In the forthcoming dual language program at Memorial School, students will attend 50% of their classes in English, and 50% of their classes in Spanish.

The three goals or pillars of a dual language program are:

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy: students become bilingual and biliterate; students can speak and understand on a continuum the two program languages; students are able to use all their literacy skills and linguistic repertoires (i.e., reading, writing, speaking, listening, translanguaging, cross-cultural references, etc.) as resources to grow both languages. 

  • Grade-Level Academic Achievement: students achieve and, in many cases, exceed the academic goals established according to their grade level and in both program languages.

  • Cross-Cultural Competence and Critical Consciousness, including a specific focus on equity and anti-bias education: students develop socio-cultural competence skills, all stakeholders work towards the implementation of equity and social justice curricula in the dual language programs. 

DESE Education Bilingual Course for School Leaders


Does my child already need to speak Spanish and/or English to enroll?
No. Students from any language background are welcome and encouraged to enter the lottery. All students can be successful in dual language programs.  

What are the advantages for students enrolled in a dual language program?
There are many advantages for students who enroll in dual language programs, including:

  • Continuing and deepening connections between family members who speak a heritage language
  • Students who speak the partner language at home feel pride in being successful in school and in acting as ambassadors and models for their language.
  • Students who do not speak the partner language at home increase their linguistic repertoire and also act as ambassadors and models for English.
  • Academic achievement at levels that are similar to or higher than those of their peers enrolled in other programs on standardized tests of reading and math in English
  • Students foster intercultural connections and learn to work with those who belong to identity groups other than their own.  

For additional information regarding dual language programs, please follow this link: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Dual Language Programs