Multilingual Parent Advisory Council (MPAC) and Parent/Community Involvement
Multilingual Parent Advisory Council (MPAC)/English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)
See our 2024-2025 MPAC Meeting Agenda Overview: 2024-2025 MPAC Meeting Agenda Overview
See our 2023-2024 MPAC Meeting Agenda Overview: 2023-2024 MPAC Meeting Agenda Overview
Family & Community-school Partnerships
Strong Family-school Partnerships Are Built on Mutual Respect and Trust and Are Based on a Foundational Belief That Student Success and District Improvements Are a Joint Responsibility.
"Families and Their Communities Foster a Child’s Academic and Social and Emotional Development and Growth. As Such, Collaborative Partnerships Among Schools, Families, and Community Organizations Are Crucial to Student Engagement and Success. One Way for Schools to Form Partnerships with Parents and Guardians of English Learners (ELs) Is to Establish English Learner Parent Advisory Councils (Elpacs) to Promote and Support the Success of Els."
The Look Act and English Learner Parent Advisory Councils (ELPACs)
On November 22, 2017, Governor Baker Signed into Law the Language Opportunity for Our Kids Act (Look Act). the Goal of This New Law Is to Improve the Education of English Learners (Els). the Law Has Created More Opportunities for Input from Parents and Guardians of English Learners in Language Acquisition Programs.
What Are ELPACs?
English Learner Parent Advisory Councils Are Made up of Parents and Legal Guardians of English Learners.
How Can I Get Involved?
Membership Is Voluntary and Is Open to All Parents and Legal Guardians of Students Who Are or Have Been Identified As English Learners.
Who Is Required to Create and Support ELPAC?
School Districts or Charter Schools with 100 or More English Learners or in Which English Learners Comprise 5% of the Student Body, Whichever Is less, Are Required to Establish Elpacs. Schools Designated As Underperforming or Chronically Underperforming Must Also Establish Elpacs.
What Are the Duties of ELPACs?
ELPAC Duties Include but Are Not Limited to:
- Creating By-laws (Rules) Regarding Officers and Operational Procedures;
- Advising the School District, School Committee, and Board of Trustees on Matters Related to English Learners;
- Meeting Regularly with School or District Leaders to Participate in the Planning and Development of Programs to Improve Educational Opportunities for English Learners;
- Advising the District or School on Any New Proposed Language Acquisition Programs;
- Reviewing District and School Improvement Plans As They Relate to English Learners; and
- Meeting at Least Annually with the School Committee or School Council.
The Success of ELPACs Depends on Building Supportive and Trusting Collaborative Partnerships Among and Between Parents, School Staff and Leaders, and Community Members. Please Go to Https:// for More Information on ELPACs.
Communication with Parents
State and Federal Regulations require that districts provide information about assessment(s) and related academic achievement to parents of ELs in a language that they can understand. Report cards and progress reports are available in the major languages found in our district, Spanish, and Portuguese. Parents may request a translation of their child’s report card or progress report by contacting the EL coordinator at their child's respective school or the EL director of the Milford public schools. Codes of conduct are also available in Spanish and Portuguese for each school, as well as the year’s district calendar. ESL curriculum team leads (CTLs) at each school coordinate the effort to have important documents and notices translated into our students’ native languages when deemed necessary or when a request is made.
When a student is identified as an EL student, the parent will be notified of the entry of their child into the EL program at the Milford public schools within 10 days. the notice will include information about why the student was assessed and what services are available. the letter will give parents the option to decline any English language development instruction for their child and whom to contact about services.
Parent-school Partnerships
Milford Public Schools Encourage Parent-school Partnership by Offering a Selection of:
- Literacy and Math Nights
- Multilingual Parent Advisory Council Meetings (MPAC)
- Adult ESL Classes Offered Through Our Community Use Program
- Back to School Nights
- Parent Information Nights
- Student Assemblies
Last Updated: 4/12/24