Helpful Links and Resources
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: EL Website
The Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) is part of the Center for Instructional Support at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. OLA provides leadership and support designed to increase the capacity of educators in Massachusetts public schools to provide an excellent education to English learners (ELs) and foreign language students in Massachusetts. OLA also coordinates state EL initiatives and EL policy development.
English Learner Toolkit- US Department of Education
English Learner Tool Kit Updated with ESSA references. OELA’s EL Tool Kit was published in 2015 was produced by the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, and the Department of Justice, outlining legal obligations for ELs.
The English Learner Tool Kit assists state and local education agencies educate English Learners (ELs) by fulfilling these obligations. It is also a resource for parents to reference when advocating for their child. The website has the toolkit available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Lao, Korean, Hmong, Khmer, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Colorin Colorado Website
Articles about English learner instruction, parent engagement, etc.
Ultimate Guide to Free Reading and Literacy Resources
Encouraging young children to read helps ensure their future success in school and in life. Experts agree that students who are proficient readers in third grade are more likely to succeed throughout their school years and as adults. Most families know how important it is to read regularly to their young children. Being read to lays an important foundation for helping children learn to love to read as well as understand the fundamentals of reading. Children who are regularly engaged in conversation by the adults in their lives also have better literacy skills because they have a more varied vocabulary. The Internet offers families a wealth of resources to help children become better readers, and many of these are money-saving services that help children work on their reading skills for free.